Wednesday, December 22, 2010

stay jolly with walgreens

That is what the commercials say and that is what I did tonight, twice!
First: I have been contemplating getting a flu shot for about a month. But this week I really decided to take it seriously and today was the day that I thought I could muster up the courage. Way too many people that I am close to have been getting sick [betsy thank you for pushing me over the edge]….so it was time. As I drove into Walgreens what did the light up sign say, “come on in, flu shots available’ it was like meant to be. So I walked in giving myself a pep talk. I can do this, I think I can, did this before can do it again…..Oh but I hate needles, but you know what I hate even more than a needle is throwing up. So there you have it. Walked right up to the counter and with the most bold and convincing voice I announced to the pharmacist, I WANTED A FLU SHOT! The nurse was very kind and talked right through it, didn’t hurt at all. I had done it! Congratulations to myself. Now not only was it easy, it was free [my health insurance covered it] BUT I ALSO got a coupon for $3 off a $15 dollar purchase. It was like the just paid me to get this shot! [Lindsay do you hear this deal! This is a deal! Deals make me think of you!] So after being such a big girl I headed home and after dinner rewarded myself with a Godiva chocolate. Now the story doesn’t end here….after sitting down on the couch I realized that the coupon was only good for today. Well I wasn’t about to let that $3 go to waste. Soooo

Second: The first time I was there, I was recommended by the nurse to stay in the store for about fifteen minutes to make sure everything was ok….so as I was browsing through the store I saw this!!!!!

My mom had been telling me that my dad has been making references to the snuggie aka secretly wanting one I am sure! What could be better for a father who loves hunting, well one with a camouflage design then, duhh! So it was a MUST to head back to Walgreens with my coupon tonight.
So that is what I did
Put on a hat over the lovely sweaty hair that I had, since earlier this evening I attended spin with the torturer. Also put on my huge old jcrew warm sweat. Super baggie sweat pants and boots.
I drove back to the store
I walked back in past the salvation army ringer bell girl.
Walked in and proudly [kinda] grabbed the lovely camouflage snuggie
Proceeded to the checkout ONLY to to be in front of a super attractive boy.
Hide under my hat.
Purchased the snuggie
Walked back out past the bell ringer
and drove home!

Success. Got the shot, got a coupon, got a snuggie. And best of all got another coupon the save $5 next week. Does it get any better! I think not!


  1. Rolling on the floor laughing! Oh course you saw a cutie! haha :)

  2. This is awesome... however next time may I suggest getting multiple shots = multiple coupons :)
    Good Work!
