Saturday, February 9, 2019

back at it

another week with these silly boys!

and now thinking he can climbing on Mr. Elephant.  oh help me!

back to nana and popas

and just a silly

re bumped his eye on the oven door when it was open
brook open the stitch a little.  but seems to be ok

an then it struck at 4 am!
all day he was just so sick poor buddy

mama and rowan cleaned cleaned cleaned

and snuggled because he was super clingy and fussy

escaped for a short walk...because Arie was starting to feel better

hooray for a new day, a clean house and a tiny bit of an appetite!

pre hair cut

haircut...not a fan!

post haircut
Aries favorite thing to ride on at the store....mama will have huge muscles soon

ice trees at the library

another new day
and a day without power 
thankfully we only lost it for about 2 hours!

and now have our generator hooked up

Nana and popa didn't have power so we were happy they hung out with us all day!

ended the day with a swim

oh what a week!
thankful everyone is back healthy and off to a weekend of fun!

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