Thursday, May 31, 2018

a long weekend

an extra day to add in some extra fun

here we go
Leaving late after a graduation party
both did fall asleep in the car and transfer!

Aries OOOOO so happy to be in TC face

Rowan too!

let the fun begin

Sunday morning downtown time

a little French Open

more beach time
freezing water but didnt stop him from having fun

a little bike and stroller until dinner
Then we ate packed up and headed back home late again
and they both fell asleep and transferred! HOORAY again! 

Happy Memorial Day
Off to the Walker Parade

So excited to see miss Elaina

and the diggers
he was saying look mom look MOM!!

back home to enjoy an afternoon on the big boat with the neighbors


but Row did great!

and ended the long HOT weekend with a quick swim at the MVP

We packed it in
we had a lot of fun
we are so glad summer is here!


  1. Jason sitting in front of the Fields Fabrics! hahaha! idk, so funny to me! hahaha!

  2. hahah yes!!! didn't notice! too funny
