Tuesday, September 12, 2017

walk and vroom

all in one day

started off our Saturday with Team Josie Walk!
Fighting juvenile diabetes 

ready to walk

so excited to see Josie and Motly :) 

Then at night it was a day filled with more cousins
Arie was soooo excited to go. talked about it all day
got there and enjoyed looking at the them

running around with his couisns

the whole family
and extended family not pictured 

was really into them warming up

and then the national anthem came
followed by 
and we lost him
shaking screaming crying
'me have to go home' on repeat

so we took turns under the bleachers
and watching on the TV in the bar

and then we headed out early
win some, lose some

next morning Arie was asked if he liked the monster trucks he said yes
no fireworks
still a fun night and a great day!

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